“Unlike it’s double edge cousin (which is fierce out of the pack), the single Edge blades are very comfortable and mild. “
This is a follow up to an earlier blog post which was review of the vintage Valet Autostrop razor. I used the Feather FHS-10 blades in the Valet for the first time. The ease of use factor is definitely a big plus. No need to remove the spine (like the Gem blades) or make any moficitations to the razor. All the pins line up witht the cut out in the blade centre. However, an important note here is that instead of the word VALET on the blade it says H AON E. Perhapes this was the brand name that Valet used in Japan?
Anyway, the shave was very smooth. Unlike it’s double edge cousin (which is fierce out of the pack), the single Edge blades are very comfortable and mild. The same blades are rebranded and sold for use in the One Blade razor. By all accounts one of the drawbacks of using the FHS-10 blade is the price per shave. A box of ten blades costs R170. and the blades are reputed to last about 3 shaves at most. However, I’m going to use the strop to see if it helps keep the blade going longer.
We have Feather FHS-10 blades in stock at the moment.