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“… there is no magic. There are no tricks… take a common sense approach…
Lather too dry? Add more water. Lather too wet, add more soap. “
Many people who are new to wet shaving may feel a little overwhelmed with the amount of information and techniques out there when it comes to lathering (with a shave brush and soap). Everybody seems to have their own ‘trick’ or formula for doing it the right way.
The truth is that there is no magic. There are no tricks. One simply has to to take a common sense approach, and learn from one’s previous mistakes. Keep what works and discard what does not.
I found this wonderful video on lathering from our good friend Michael Freedberg (of beautiful North Carolina).
While watching this video:
- See how simple his brush technique is.
- Watch how easily he builds up his lather using feel and common sense.
- Lather too dry? Add more water. Lather too wet, add more soap.
- Note how quickly the lather builds up. No need to take up hours working the lather.
- Note how smooth and thin the layer of lather is. He doesn’t lather too thick or try to end up looking like Santa Claus. 🙂
The same common sense approach should apply too all aspects of wet shaving. Keep it simple, and your shave experience will be most pleasant.